FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11I didn't tell the crew.The political officer was already suspicious about my motive for entering this remote sector. But now that I'd seen my clone floating in deep space
10odles, and no fries. Dad yelled out, "Jen, get back in here!" He'd assumed my sis had made the swap while he ogled his big juicy burger, but I had very nimble fingers and
36his air valve was covered in lipstick. At last she rose and left her beloved inner tube to lie peacefully. And she promised herself she would never tire again.
11He got the starring role as "'unchback 'iggins" and was elated. He began practicing leaving the "h" off the start of every word & it became a habit. This proved to be disastrous
12Her post went viral and suddenly there was an international market for hobgoblin bellies. All the short players lost billions when the price skyrocketed to 666 dollops an ounce.