FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10est? Satan pondered these questions aboard his dark steed. Granted they were academic, to say the least, considering he was fleeing an invasion of Hell by the Forces of Heaven, who
10Guide Dogs but they had a waiting list. It was a shame because those dogs are cute. He learnt to walk with a stick but it just wasn't as good as a friendly guide dog.
11remain in this condition. It was unfortunate. Another heavy burden for Atlas to bear. Hercules & Atlas lay down in the bed & tried to get their minds off their home decorating woes
11did I buy carnivorous goldfish? I could hear them flopping down the hall towards my room. "Hello, 911? Goldy and Mr. Finnegan are trying to eat me. I'm seriou..." *click*
12nik impressions & I screamed in demented Russian to the people upstairs that I swore on Rasputin's pickled penis I was not a bat murderer. Au contraire, that my fraternal love for