FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11and told him to leave because he was upsetting the nuns across the street, he covered his nudeness with his bowl and ran down the street. A nun followed him with her cell phone,
11The ice cream man dealt drugs when I was a kid. A bigger neighborhood kid told me so.
13Russia smile onto his Chile stare? "Canada ila Lama get some Serbice? DidJa pan fry the Turkey?" He's Hungary, I'm Ghana Cuba cheese wheel for him. Peruse that Syriaous cookbook
14has no idea where it had been going in the first place, but hopes that it involves vultures, hallucinations, zombies, and a man in pink pants. Let us enter Lester's Disco and see
11and cheerfully asked him if his liver had grown back again. Prometheus growled at him, claiming Sisyphus asked him the same darn question every night! Sisyphus shrugged, and start