FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11Tired of endless people purposefully wiping smears of dirt and grime on him. Never moving, never seeing the world as his Uncle Stan, the flying carpet, always described it. The rug
12Don't try to frighten us with your sorcerous ways, Lord Sandwich. Your sad devotion to that ancient Jedi religion has not helped you conjure up the stolen data tapes, or given
10and no one liked it or commented on it. It just sat there moving slowing down the page as others posted their lame goings on about their kids and what's they ate for dinner. Didn't
10You're also going to need a portable privvy & some environmentally-friendly toilet paper. NEVER, EVER leave any human waste at your campsite, or you run the risk of attracting
11through my nightguard & pulled the sheets up over my SpongeBob jammy top. "I was just ch- ch- checking up on some of my active stories, you know, to..." But I faltered when Manatee