FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11was instantly disintegrated, leaving behind only a dark, smoldering mark on the floor. No one has messed with that particular cashier again since. True story.
11with a bowl and no oranges to be found. He discarded his monk's robes and sat in despairing contemplation in the rocking chair on the north porch. But when the owners came out
15Herman dropped to a knee, held out a ring, & proposed. ""Yes!" said one of Regina's heads. "No!" said the other. The ceremony was held in whispers while the dissenter slept, and th
10Mormon. Derek heard the voices of the Angel Moroni who told them that were platinum plates out in the woods near the
11on the autumnal equinox I had a vision. The giant stones formed 11s and started dancing about. I blame it on the