FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10Golden Dumpster, a spanking new sexual deviance device that made the Golden Shower look tame. But when the auctioneer pulled back the curtain, the golden turds had been burgled!
11he writing, and then pass it to the next player for a further contribution. Surrealism disciple Endo Morales developed a new surrealist technique: internet text frottage, in which
10You're also going to need a portable privvy & some environmentally-friendly toilet paper. NEVER, EVER leave any human waste at your campsite, or you run the risk of attracting
10Solution? Make Porky Pig sausages. He'll have a harder time glaring at you when he's reduced to several juicy rashers of bacon. The only thing that makes it better is
11JMan thought he was flying for a moment, before he hit the hard, damp ground. He could hear Det laughing as the train disappeared around the bend. His wrist was sprained, but