FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
12off his ass-of-a-face with Dr. Derriere's reusable toilet tissues {patent pending}. The Captain and the Chairman were squared off for battle when an eruption on Planet Pubis caused
11he writing, and then pass it to the next player for a further contribution. Surrealism disciple Endo Morales developed a new surrealist technique: internet text frottage, in which
10I believe there are a few old underdogs, though only a few people know of them. There is Jakob, the Jewish refugee, Souperwoman, Dr.Moodle. Any other FS characters?
10made the plots hard to follow. Even though the tape worms' colloquialisms were confusing (at best), they had a certain flair for Gonzo drama and the sudden inclusion of
11be a dog who plays soccer." Valetta stared at him in burning disbelief. Officer O'Malley slammed his fists against his head again and this time the craziest thing