FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10The magic wearing off, i quickly reverted to human form, falling naked to the floor. And that your honour is how i came to be naked in the park at 1 in the afternoon!
12We gasped in horror as the mass email containing a pic of Pooh Bear, shirtless, circulated globally . "Can't you recall it?" "This isn't the Bush Gore election." I rolled my eyes.
11the differences between metaphor and the literal scope." "As in," he retorted, "I'm being figuratively henpecked by you, and literally by Sigmund's chicken." Sigmund smiled slyly.
10As it turns out, she had. Her blue-in-blue eyes shined with euphoria like Fremen as she tipped her head to one side and lipped her lips seductively.
10Fat Boy Skinny and I met at the Sunset Grill…back when the Imperial Highway was still a dream…where a man with a washboard, spoon and harmonica could tell tales from times gone by.