FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11Scene 4: Exterior Diner. Man with slight limp walks from stage left to right. Vagabond enters holding small rucksack. VAGABOND: Wait! Can you spare a dime? MAN:
11on the autumnal equinox I had a vision. The giant stones formed 11s and started dancing about. I blame it on the
13and my freshly laundered cotton curtains danced daintily in the breeze. So enthralled was I with their whimsical movement, I didn't notice the stampede until 49erFaithful whistled
13in 9 months which, incidentally, was the time it took for his baby to arrive. "I shall name you Peter" He said, patting the baby on the head who resultantly burst into tears.
11sweet nothings to him, reminding him of those warm, balmy evenings in Vietnam where he would operate on small animals. He was unusual in that he was an actual vet, not military.