FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11see how they like meeting up with one of my cousins, Mighty Cthurkey!" The Turkey Carcass of Thanksgiving Past held Scrooge's head and forced him to watch as Cthurkey's tentacles
12on sale for $7.99 a pound. Several hours later, Spidey House smelled of roasted hobgoblin. Spiderwoman blogged about it on the web and posted photos from the feast.
11Okay I got it. Street Sweeper Wars, Street Sweeper's Wives, Are You Smarter than a Street Sweeper? Celebrity Street Sweeper, So You Think You Can Street Sweep? Street Sweeper COPS!
10I narrowed my eyes. He flared his nostrils. I raised an eyebrow. He stuck his tongue out. I flopped one hand around just out of sight and then slapped him hard with the other hand
10Cup of coffee which couldn't be put in the dishwasher unless it was autoclaved. The test tube babies were puttylike compared to those conceived normally. The autoclave cheered when