FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11in complimentary landscaping. Didn't I just hear the little missus say she'd like a flare garden? Moving to this planet means no more shoveling snow or potholes. This place can be
14Dogmeister beer was made from this concoction and sold so fast it became a distillery in the former fireworks factory. Fido became rich as did Sheba, his tortoiseshell cousin.
11Beatrice's cunning plan backfired as he started to bring in bags of stinking garbage off the street just in order to take them out again. "'ve proved you're a real man!
14h. 5. If you use Klingon,be ready to take the heat. 6. No folding under influence...of commom sense. 7.No personal matters will be treated with any don't come crying.
10of the saying "love at first sight", quickly documenting my interpretation on my phone with Google Keep as I bled out, asking the stranger if they could submit it to urban dictiona