FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10Swallowing the pinballs from my winning streak at Wong Pinball Emporium to prevent others from repeating it had turning into a duodenal nightmare."No general anasthesea" said Dr
11"Please state the nature of the medical emergency."
10the concrete under my prison slippers, snuggling under the thin cotton blanket on my lumpy mattress, and hearing my number at roll call. I would be home again.
11"Who, me? I'm the guy that runs this joint. I tell ya. Tenants always complaining. During the Ice Age, they asked me to turn up the heat. Now its 'global warming.' What gives?"
10He took a cardboard tube and spoke to his belly. "Um.. guys? You can eat what you like but can you like, not kill me?" The tapeworms replied, "Hmm.. We must discuss this at forum."