FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10The child ran from the building, carried out into the night on tiny feet. The child looked for help, but seeing the stars above, quieted. There are stories everywhere. We can pick.
10"I don't normally give rides to strangers" Zelda rasped, "but I'll make an exception in your case, being pantless n all." "To El Paso and step on it," he shouted, "I need anti-cact
10his bizarre hobbies. My tabloid editor assigned me to research the rumor that Sir Francis Dashwood was actually an alien chameleon who planned to
10is and I, frankly speaking, reveled in it. There is nothing more heady that the scent of sweaty unwashed bodies moving in unison to Pink Floyd,who were stockholders in Hemp Panties
11day dreamed about leaving this thankess position and soaring over the mountain. He imagined saying goodbye to the door so long to the coat rack. He woke to the sound of the bell.