FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
13plants. But they can't help turning their faces to the sun sometimes. And that's when James would get them. All of them. Every last Sunflower. BLAM! Right through their seedy heads
11This kind of "mise en abyme" talk was too much for him to handle and he went into a seizure. During his fugue state, a pot of water was boiling somewhere in the world.
11smells in the fruit basket. And do you really wanna be stuck in that fruit basket? I don't think you do, the speaker shouted. I had to get out of this class. I interrupted by
11erse with folding memes. He spoke in tongues of Jhrerek Manatee & the Great Hippo. The FS medics gave Blasted 10cc's of dormant folds, for to drive folders mad is a heroic thing
10But even with tattoos galore/And perfume that reeks of dirty whore/My Mother loves me each day, more/With breasts complete down to the floor/