FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11day dreamed about leaving this thankess position and soaring over the mountain. He imagined saying goodbye to the door so long to the coat rack. He woke to the sound of the bell.
13like a bat, and splatted against the wall like a gnat. The people upstairs were trying the door. I gathered myself on the stairs for their horror. The stairwell's dim bulb did sput
13meaning that any kind of pan really made me hot. Cast Iron Skillets really got me cooking. I left my girlfriend for a sauce pan once. Pots, no way. Any pot turns me off.
13an added bonus in this bumper car ride of chance encounters we call life. Take the author who started this story, 49Faithful. Suppose when he was 9 yrs old, his father took him to
10began to debone the fish. The other train passengers immediately moved to other cars. Tork had been on the run for weeks and even for a madman, he looked like a lunatic. A metallic