FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10to find a princess whose cheesy kiss could restore me. My fold was sent to the ICU where its bloatedness from too many puns and irritable vowel syndrome was treated. The bill
10and mooed loudly. "My apologies, ma'am," I said, stepping out of the queue. I didn't have time to wait for the cows to manoeuvre themselves into the tiny bathroom. I squatted down
10gets a new torch filled with explosives, let it blow. If Justice loses her blindfold, pay her off", and all start laughing like a pack of hyenas. "We need to divert attention away
10It was romantic as hell. We started with appetizers and finished with a duel. She wasn't wearing any underwear. Neither was I.
116. A discreet cummerbund for magical appliances, which would not look out of place with my workaday khakis and golf shirt.