FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11erse with folding memes. He spoke in tongues of Jhrerek Manatee & the Great Hippo. The FS medics gave Blasted 10cc's of dormant folds, for to drive folders mad is a heroic thing
11door salesman he never had much luck trying to sell doors to people who obviously already had them. The logic was lost on him, but he sold enough to pay half the rent on a
10, for example, that I thought a lot about the teachings of Confucious. I didn't even know that this was what lima beans think about until I started thinking like a lima bean. I als
13FoldingStory Founder, Noah. "It was so worth it to mortgage my home to pay FS hosting charges because you all have made this the most entertaining, creative site on the internet!"
10"I'll take the Whiskey battered bourbon bangers and a side of Soho Chips, and for dessert I'll take the deep fried giant Snickers bars, oh, and