FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10jarring at first but then it becomes oddly refreshing. What's more refreshing is that dead people don't feel the need to talk all the time. Not that I don't sometimes imagine them
10on the wheel out of this world. The mayor's groin unfurled and bloomed into a beautiful flower, a pre-cursor to reincarnation. If you take requests, I'd like to be a cat, Buddah.
13an awesome fold that Flopp put together right there. Flopp is known for great writing and being there for you when the story needs it the most. Much like this next folder who
11At all costs, I'm just trying to avoid eye contact. I can handle the repugnant smell and deal with the abhorrent facial sores. But if that guy next to me on the bus starts to
10she like cat fights. A spray of fairydust caused Wendy to sneeze, dropping the foot of the table on her toe. Tink shot into her dresser through the keyhole & poked holes in Wendy's