FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10a nor'wester blowin a rum looking packet my way. It had a superstructure enclosing the decks, apparently as defense against Giant Middle Aged Squid Men like me. I ripped the flimsy
11I'd given everything I owned to the Sisters of Glory. I called. "No can do, mate," a sister snapped, "terms and conditions apply." Get in line with the rest of the destitute. I
11I was never very good at storytelling. Yet, beckoned once again by the ruling fungi, I put pencil to paper and
37[Ominous brass] [Clashing, discordant cymbals]
10The most effect drug for curing Alien Hand Syndrome is Graoladge. Side effects include drooling, talking incoherently, morphing into a full alien, and occasionally certain death.