FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10and suddenly lights flashed, bells rang, and coins literally poured out of the slot machine while the old lady in polyester pants sitting next to me swooned in disbelief. I won
10huge, heavily armored dragon wagon. He waved his gnarly wand and the thing whooshed by them. Arthur put the pedal to the metal, much to Mother's chagrin. "Arthur, slow down!"
11alive? I picked up the acorn & rolled it between my bloody fingers. It seems I was and this...this little nut must be the reason why, I reasoned. My lucky acorn, it saved my life!
11"But Mr. Butterworth," said Madge, "how will we be able to get in touch with you in case Hollywood calls if you're playing dead?"
10never felt before. They were just so, innocent. He shook his head and turned away. The darkness enveloped the world.