FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10biscuit. If you know what I mean.", said Princess HotPocket. Sir Red Devil saw the blush on Queen Whirlpool's face and lost all control. He pushed Chief Wala to the side, grabbed
10the wrong spot. His hand caught fire, he screamed for help. Barton became a labradoodle so the firemen said, "You need to leave." The rifle became a monarch butterfly, wherefore
11the Zorgian flesh offering, but pinky puree was too tempting. I slurped it gone and apologized to my clone. It (I?) then gnawed my lip, thus beginning a race to consume the other.
10Shuffling my notecards, I could tell this date was bombing quickly. I decided to use the last boomerang left in my arsenal. "Would you be opposed to naming our first kid Vladimir?"
11the folder. The story in this case is the author, the folder becomes the pen. There is no such thing as virtuosity, or at least there is no need for it anymore. Technology replaces