FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10My Little Pony across the yard. The neighborhood meat pies stood there feeling uncomfortable. "You don't want pies to play 'cuz you're just a snooty patooty!" her sister yelled.
11-rewolves like to eat on Meatless Fridays. I will gaze into your bloodshot eyes and you can nibble on my tufted ears, being careful not to puncture them with your fangs. Together
12of the situation, having a priest perform an exorcism of the house. He proved useless. The ethereal kittens morphed into a specter of Catwoman & wiled the priest into lashing Turgo
10Christopher Robin's eyes nearly popped out of their sockets at the implications of this. "Well um...if you see Piglet, please give him this." Smirking, Pooh pocketed the note and
12knew the truth. Edward Cullen was shell of vampire. His sparkly skin and day time frolics only signaled his total lack of commitment to true vampirism.