FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10vending machines. The hacked machines withheld the Funyuns and Fritos at the very cusp of dropping, halting America's productivity. Chinese hackers furthered their plans by
10I believe there are a few old underdogs, though only a few people know of them. There is Jakob, the Jewish refugee, Souperwoman, Dr.Moodle. Any other FS characters?
10He performed acupuncture on his gums to varying degrees of success. As tough on hemorrhoids as they were on his toilet, Mr. Needlepoop eponymous droppings brought him fame in the
21protected against anything sharp that might threaten to pop their latex hides. The whole balloon animal zoo was completely rounded. Visitors were thoroughly searched for pointed
11the festival crowd. Everybody recognized it as the opening strum of the hot song of 2019 by their local boy. Kenny of Kenny & the Parkas. Anyone who drank the free grape-ade peaked