FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10on the wheel out of this world. The mayor's groin unfurled and bloomed into a beautiful flower, a pre-cursor to reincarnation. If you take requests, I'd like to be a cat, Buddah.
10Golden Dumpster, a spanking new sexual deviance device that made the Golden Shower look tame. But when the auctioneer pulled back the curtain, the golden turds had been burgled!
14SlimWhitman was the second author of this folding story. He's been with Foldingstory since the early cretaceous.He likes a good pun, running gags & funny folds, unlike this one.
10She was still enamored of those classics "One Fish, Two Fish" & "Green Eggs & Ham" she started every day with a red fish, a blue fish & green eggs consumed at a new location. Today
12It is Mrs. Peabury, an octogenarian savant who lives in the basement of the Jeopardy studio. All night long she writes the problems for the show. No-one realized that she was mad.