FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11ever. That was four years ago. The effects weren't actually as tangible as you might think. The most noteworthy change was that I began to think like a lima bean. I noticed
11the folder. The story in this case is the author, the folder becomes the pen. There is no such thing as virtuosity, or at least there is no need for it anymore. Technology replaces
10a mooing, three sheep a snoozing, four horses hoofing, five hens a laying, six
11, which seemed sexier than it really was. She was all talk, and kept jabbering even as they were swept into the hallway by the exploding waterbed. That was the nail in the coffin.
13by the stuffy government, inadvertently awakening some long forgotten instinct to groom with naught but saliva and a prehensile tongue.