A girl and her brother lived in a nice home

  • A girl and her brother lived in a nice home in a nice neighborhood. One day, they were playing in their backyard, when a bunch of plants came out of nowhere and started attacking

  • them, then they recruited the zombies to fight the plant apocalypse, later some people made this into a video game, but that is not important, the plants would eat

  • nutrients from the soil though roots. The roots of the plants feast on the rich and fatty liquids released from a cache of decomposing clowns. The clown genocide happened

  • after a clique of humorless circus goers sat in the front row of the big top. The clowns were doing their usual routine, when all of a sudden something went terribly wrong:

  • so terrible that details of the incident were suppressed by The State and the big top audience died in unusual accidents over the next year. Only 1 clown survived - in the Atacama

  • desert. He moonlit at the various observatories in the area cheering the lonely astronomers during their nightly vigils with planetary slapstick. He wore 3 swing rings and mooned

  • the moon to the delight of the star enthusiasts. Who knew that astronomers were fans of meta comedy? Other than this, he would occasionally go to

  • The sinkhole to retrieve remnants of hman obsequousness in times of darkness. The feral cats were watching for food to appear when the stores closed. There were good steaks and

  • weenies to be had at the after 4th of July sale, and no cat could resist the haunting glow cast by a blue light special at K-Mart. The throbbing hoard converged on the local

  • truck stop for a celebratory picnic. Some humans died of ptomaine poisoning, but most cats merely moved on to subsequent lives, except Mitzy, who was finally accepted into heaven.



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