The folding demons were approaching, preparing

  • The folding demons were approaching, preparing to torture the poor soul for running out of time, she thought she hit enter, but it appeared that she hadn't. Too late, the demons

  • blew up the computer. Forever, she was in sorrow, mainly because the insurance company didn't believe her.

  • A new quest begins for her now. She packs her things, threw away everything having to do with that wretched machinery, and bought herself a one-way to Kampuchea. A new period of

  • Revolution had begun. Her landlord thought she was losing it, then started throwing things in the kitchen and she suggested folding stories as a better way of self expression. The

  • landlord raised the rent, and she countered by posting manifestos throughout the building and up and down the street. The landlord called the cops, and she raised a Twitter Storm.

  • "Down with landlords!" she tweeted. The roaring masses approved. Before long she'd amassed an army of protestors outside her apartment building, ready to tear her landlord apart.

  • The landlord looked out from her window at the angry crowd. "How petty can you be?" she exasperated. She looked at her client's unpaid rent. Then she stepped outside.

  • She took one last look at the crowd and said to them," You lucky I have other things to worry about now !"

  • The crowd didn't like her dismissive tone. Suddenly the crowd was armed with torches & pitchforks. All her other worries were swept off her plate. When had she become the monster?

  • She reminded herself she had made that walk through the fire voluntarily. She had only ever tried to do what was right. She ran inside and the crowd burned it down with her inside.



  1. St.Molecule Jun 07 2023 @ 18:58

    Been a long time since I've heard about Kampuchea. I still remember Rhodesian as well.

  2. St.Molecule Jun 07 2023 @ 18:59

    Doh! Rhodesia.

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