I heard an auditorium or maybe an indoor

  • I heard an auditorium or maybe an indoor pool, maybe a gymnasium. There were children's voices or maybe geese. There was still no sounds from the wilderness. I looked upon my past.
  • It was rather underwhelming, and it took me mere seconds to finish reviewing my life's work. It was little more than a paper trail of court summons and my son, Luigi Alfonsi.
  • Oh, my son. My little Luigi Alfonsi. They said I'd never amount to anything, but at least I had you. And now you're a big shot fashion mogul and won't answer my calls. You have
  • "--So much potential." He grasped Luigi's face in his hands. "And yet you persist in marrying that woman who nearly karate chopped your father in his beautiful face."
  • "You don't understand." Luigi growled back. "I love her! I don't care about her sins or-" Luigi felt a hand against his face and a stinging pain took place. "Foolish boy!"
  • said Moses. "Here in the gulag we're all prisoners of the state for some reason, but your girlfriend is bad news. Stick with Mick, he can guide you." Luigi looked at the thin broth
  • that was boiling in the kettle. Without it, they would not be able to survive the journey back home. He desperately needed to get back home. There were so many people that he
  • still had to say goodbye to. Especially Jenny. The love of his life. He needed to tell her how he felt before it was all about to
  • crumble right before his eyes. His hands were trembling, knowing rejection would probably follow his next words. "I love you," the words tumbled out
  • "I love you too," they returned in reply.


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