"Try it!" I will try it, asshole, as soon

  • "Try it!" I will try it, asshole, as soon as the smoke from whatever you're burning empties from my lungs. You've got enough incense burning to choke out the dank weed smell, and
  • I'm dying here!" My old Aunt Valetta rasped, removing her mask connected to the oxygen tank strapped to her wheelchair. "Just don't come anywhere near me with that lighter!"
  • KABOOM! Too late. And now there's an Aunt Valetta shaped hole in the ceiling and she's in orbit in her wheelchair and heading straight for the Russian space station. Uh oh.
  • Harry was shocked! How do we get Aunt Valetta back? Simple, they didn't, she was in orbit now and the Russians won't be happy at all! Jimmy told Harry
  • "Well, at least they ain't commies anymore." Harry nodded and gazed into heavens "She's like the Night Rider now. Think of her when you look into the night sky." Jimmy's eyes began
  • to look at the breakfast sausage. Jimmy loved breakfast sausage. Patties! None of this links crap. He had a vision. An empire that he want to build.
  • "But to build this empire, alliances would be needed. Enemies will fall; friends will die," I reflected, "and the first step to building this empire is poisoning Jimmy's sausage.
  • Because if we can get in and poison Jimmy's sausage, half of the U.S. will die in one day!" The empire will move in and take Texas and OK in one battle. Kansas will join us to rule
  • the world's supply of breakfast sausages. The entire southwest will be ours. The name Jimmy Dean will be synonymous with the greatest mass murder in American history.
  • Ronald McDonald descended from the sky in a helicopter weiding 7 machine guns. "Not on my watch bucko!" And that's how McDonalds kept their fatal reputation.


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