Newton was sitting with Darwin by the fire

  • Newton was sitting with Darwin by the fire one day. A piece of bread had fallen on the hearth. Newton picked it up. "By God, Darwin, I think we've cracked it, we've invented toast!
  • Darwin?" The biologist was asleep. Newton looked at the toasted bread. He looked back at the time machine. When would Stephen Hawkens return? The scientists had traveled all
  • over Stockholm at 3 a.m., through dark alleys, looking for an angry fix. Hawking (or Hawkens, when he was dealing) had become unreliable since accepting M-theory as his personal
  • Way of dealing with the angry universe. Hawking came down with Stockholm Syndrome, and suddenly became even more unreliable. At 3am, he became a cat-man and never lost his fur.
  • Then called a press conference the next morning to decry how his story had been made out to be about his love for cat culture but that, yes, I concede, hairballs are a loss of fur.
  • "To be fair, it's only fur." he quipped - secretly proud of a little bit of wordplay. "But there's not a Fee, Line your own pockets." That second pun was a more awkward - time to
  • exit this uncomfortable conversation. He glanced around the room and spotted the window. "Bye!" he exclaimed, and ran towards the window. He leapt through it, shattering the glass.
  • For a moment he floated in the air, suspended among the shards of window glass which hung about him like a glinting full-body halo. He wanted to live in that moment forever, but he
  • , being subject to gravity, fell into the shards of glass with a wet, gushy SLUSH. This was it, he realized. The end. Right before he closed his eyes, though, he remembered
  • something important, life-changing he'd always wanted to say.Now was the time. "I Slit The Sheet, The Sheet I Slit, And On The Slitted Sheet I Sit, Ya! Nailed It!" Eyes shut - coma


  1. LordVacuity Sep 24 2018 @ 15:53

    coma coma coma coma coma coma Chameleon.

  2. SlimWhitman Sep 29 2018 @ 17:23

    I like how Hawking (or is it Hawkens?) dives out the window, wanting to suspend time, but must succumb to the tyrrany of gravity. Is the coma he is in from 46P/Wirtanen? And will he return again on another orbit for the benefit of future generations?

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