حضّرت سبيكة مكوّنات وجبة

  • حضّرت سبيكة مكوّنات وجبة الغداء و صفّفتها على الطاولة. عاينت "المقادير" مطوّلاً مفكّرة إلى نفسها عن انطباع زوجها الذي سيتناول الوجبة لاحقاً، متمنيّة أن تحوز على رضاه أخيراً
  • جاسم : ما هذا يا سبيكة لماذا لا يوجد سلطة و أين الماء الا ترين ريم تركض بلا ملابس ماذا كنتي تفعلي؟!
  • فالتعذر لي يا جاسم لقدر سقطت سهواً ، ولم اعد اركز
  • تم الكشف عن ثمار أعماله بعمق داخل مجمع الهرم ، وكشف عن التابوت الذهبي للفرعون. عندما كسر جاسم ختم التابوت
  • his soul heard an echo of it inside himself. What scared him was that he had heard something answer him back from inside his mind. He had no idea who it was or how long he had been
  • living in a capsule hotel in the Kamakura District. He didn't even know Japanese. He exited his pod carefully. The echoes between his soul and his mind continued as he adjusted to
  • the gravity on the planet. Being in the pod for so long meant it took longer adjusting to the different gravity levels when he left it. He needed to calm the mind/soul echoes soon.
  • He didn't want to die on this barren rock of an exoplanet. If he was to survive he must remain calm. Luckily he had prepared for this situation and no amount of weird gravity was
  • going to prevent him from returning to his spaceship. Thinking quickly, he pushed the rocket retrieval button on his wrist and lo, the machine came putting toward him. He
  • looked around the alien landscape one last time before climbing aboard."I'm not the man they think I am at home," he mused & 2 seconds later he was waving good-bye to them forever.


  1. Woab Nov 02 2018 @ 15:42

    Oooh. I really like how this one turned out.

  2. SlimWhitman Apr 22 2019 @ 15:32

    folds 1-4 (roughly translated): She attended to the ingredients of the lunch meal and put it on the table. At the same time, Al-Muzayyer looked at the impression of her husband, who would later be eating the meal. Jassem: What is this, Sabika? Why is there no power? Where is the water? If you see Rim running without clothes, what will you do? And yet Ja'assim did not care for me. The fruits of his works were revealed deep inside the pyramid complex, revealing the golden coffin of the pharaoh. When Jassim broke the seal of the coffin

  3. SlimWhitman Apr 22 2019 @ 15:35

    Yeah, Woab, it's cool how the Pharoah's sarcophagus transforms into a capsule hotel, and he is an alien time-traveller.

  4. BlastedHeath Apr 24 2019 @ 01:16

    I might have thought "expression" instead, but "impression of her husband" makes him seem so much more insubstantial. ;-)

  5. BlastedHeath Apr 24 2019 @ 01:17

    Also, I have seen a couple of traveller's trips to capsule hotels on YouTube. It's fun! Sincerely, and travelling without moving, the Blasted One.

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