Captain's Log, supplemental. We have arrived

  • Captain's Log, supplemental. We have arrived in orbit around Foldinus Prime to settle a dispute between the creatures known as GreenBananas and buddyboy4711. Negotiations have
  • failed, so buddyboy4711 is still disrupting the GreenBananas' Star Fox Fan Club meetings with heavy metal racket. Typical. But I, Capt. Kiefer, enter Foldinus Prime with earbuds &
  • nose plugs. As Captain Kiefer I alone have access to the Buddyboy Capacitor which allows me to reach speeds that send me into the Simwhitmansion
  • That has sixteen rooms filled with antiques.
  • Not that it mattered now, thought the on-duty security guard. Everyone knew by now that the invasion was unavoidable, and the aliens really had it in for old relics. Such was life.
  • So he carefuly wrapped his dad in a sheet of canvas, and gingerly carried him out of the museum where he had been on display. "Into safe storage you go!" he declared stridently
  • Yes, all happy families are alike and each unhappy family is unhappy in it's own way.
  • One family, the Robertsons, were unhappy because they were too rich. They were depressed because not enough people asked them for money or envied their possessions. That's when
  • they hit upon a scheme to spend all their wealth and vlog about it on a utube channel. "We buy whatever you say. No suggestion is too lavish for our pocketbook!"
  • uTube however was unfortunately taken down due to a copyright claim of having a "too similar name to YouTube". They would have bought it too, if it weren't for them meddling kids.


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