The less known about her the better. Bradly

  • The less known about her the better. Bradly had made it all the way to his wedding day without a slip, but now that sinking feeling having once fallen in love with a stripper.
  • Only to have it dashed when he found out the deep stripper truth. They hated men. He had fallen in love and she had emptied his bank account, took his dog and last beer. Now he
  • vowed to get revenge. Dozens of surgeries, wardrobe, hair and makeup changes later, and he was the perfect woman. He would beat her at her own stripper game! He took the name Candy
  • Liquor, and went down every Friday -- whenever he could get into the Happy Kitten.
  • It was were all the mascots hung out. He showed his VIP pass and was let in beyong the velvet rope. There, in the back, was the San Diego Chicken sipping a Cosmo. "Arf!" he said.
  • "You ain't no dog. " Replied the stranger. Security rushed to the scene and
  • apprehended the shady woman running the sunglasses kiosk. Getting off his cell phone, Agent Michael Scarn said "Thanks for the tip off, Bunchacho." With a snap, he was gone. I then
  • knew exactly where he had teleported to, and followed him through his temporary thread of space time, as I, too, was a Jumper and could move about just as quickly.
  • He landed in such a weird place, my guess was his hiding spot so the man would not be able to find him and kill him. I took his Jumping sites and went to the places he went to. But
  • when I reached the end of his list and made the final Jump, I found myself spinning into an endless void. I tried to scream, but I had forgotten how. There is only darkness now.


  1. Mombi Apr 29 2011 @ 22:47

    This was a conherent piece that made me want to continue reading. Now i want to find out what happens to our jumpers! It has movement and interesting scenes. !!

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