My friend, would it trouble you to spare

  • My friend, would it trouble you to spare a dollar? I have a terrible case of short-term memory loss, and I can only remember the last 180 characters (sometimes less!) of what I say
  • Suddenly my mind went blank. What was I saying again? Ah, yes that Trump fellow is an idiotic bullfrog, and his political views are just as ugly as him. My mind went blank again.
  • "And my hair is all natural, UNLIKE Trump. So that's why I should become President," I proclaimed. Everyone voted for me in order to prevent Trump from becoming Pres.I passed a law
  • qualifying people for tax breaks if they preened themselves. Opposite foreign leaders, we lost prestige & holdings- but I looked a stunner! I was panned by Time & hailed by Cosmo.
  • My name is Pedro and this how I left the presidency to become a circus clown.
  • I should start with how I got elected as president in the first place. It was 2017 & Trump was president. I was wearing my vote for Pedro t-shirt & was in my 2nd year at Clown Coll
  • ege. I had gotten my first custom fit clown shoes. It was a pretty good time to be a clown. I minored in Pantomime on a lark. I'm wearing my Vote for Pedro shirt. President Trump
  • , or "The Clown King", as we in the clowning circles called him, was due to speak at our next AGM. I'd never seen President Trump speak before, being new to clowning, but I'd heard
  • the gist of his violent misogyny and rock-stupid, turpentine-huffing playground rhetoric on late-night talk shows hosted by white nerds and their token diversity yes-men.
  • But that is the state of the world today. Rumor goes for fact and innuendo is civil discourse.


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