"A window cleaner me " read the side of

  • "A window cleaner me " read the side of the van, but it was filled with electronics and a half mile above the desert, operatives were bugging the windows of the Burj Khalifa.
  • The Burj Khalifa was Donald Trump's latest Vegas insanity. So unspeakable was the over-the-topness that no one knew what went on. That's why the CIA had bugged it. They learned
  • that the enormous toupee which crowned the casino tower had originated in Sumatra and been smuggled in via drug tunnels linking Tijuana and San Ysidro. "Millions in lost tariff,"
  • Lord Mink moaned over morning java. Lady Raccoon commiserated with him, as always. That enormous toupee was dyed black at the Sultan of Brunei's request. It was his own hair, and
  • Afer having Bourborn at Bourneo in the night, They started on their journey to My Kinabalu.
  • Outbound they kept company with Sultans on swings; such naughty contraptions that I miss. At present, my station is as a Governess for Hire working with the local constabulary on
  • their insufficient vocabulary. Alas, the bobbies are woefully inept at putting together even the shortest sentence. "Just a spoonful of grammar makes the criminals behave," I told
  • her. I don't know exactly what a "spoonful" of grammar entails, but I imagine its a few verb conjugations and maybe one correctly-used semicolon. But who knows
  • what the grammar nazis will think. They are scornful of people like her, ordinary people who are far more in tune with the popular mood. Revolution is in the air, I can smell.
  • The fumes from the masses of trains taking people to the abverb concentration camp. Stalingrammar would be famed for its brutal "revolution." Hmm, we may have to shoot to kill.


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