It hadn't been my idea to spend the night

  • It hadn't been my idea to spend the night watching Netflix, but once the TV was switched off and the noise from the other side of the wall could be heard, I knew instantly
  • available films were required. During the gaps when one film had finished and we were choosing the next, we could hear the neighbours
  • doing their silly nuclear physics experiments in their back yard. We grabbed a camera and filmed their reactor meltdown, and got some good stills of their three-headed dog as well
  • but as we were snapping shots, we realized that the dog was Cerberus. The Cerberus before us was not any Cerberus, however; this one could shoot lasers out of its
  • noses. *Ach-zap!* "Gesundheit!" But that's not what scared me the most. The dog-like Cerberus had three monstrous heads, each of which resembled my last three exes.
  • Of course, I had prepared for this moment and swiftly drove them off with a spear and some hired muscle, which caused me a possibly undue amount of pleasure, given the resemblance.
  • For the hired muscle, it was much reminiscent of... Ahh, but I shouldn't tarry with such triffles. Suffice to say,we vanquished the foe with much blugeoning & a thrust of my spear.
  • We brought its head home to Madelyn on a pike. Charmed, she embroidered a whimsical pillow for it and displayed in proudly in the anteroom until Grandma complained of the smell.
  • Madelyn brought her hairdresser in,& had her shampoo the head atop the pike until its hair shone &it smelled like roses. When Grandma kept complaining, TWO heads decorated our den.
  • One had Red hair and the other was brunette. Both belonged to Grandma, whose hair was now as white as Madelyn's. Madelyn was only 45 years old!. How could that be?, she asked God


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