I was walking to the store one day. It was

  • I was walking to the store one day. It was in New York. It was at 1 in the morning and pouring rain. I saw these thugs on the corner. so, i kept my distance. i was surprised that
  • one of them was wearing a clown costume complete with the BIG, red nose. He was holding a circus poodle under his multicolored umbrella. Despite my distance, I was able the hear
  • the sound of an atomic bomb exploding. when the dust clear every one was dead exept me
  • because I am a cockroach, and I can live through an atomic blast because I am the superior species. It was my time to shine! I began to truck off to show my greatness when I
  • stumble upon something very strange .. I could nopt believe my eyes ! It was right there . Right in front of my face , yet somehow i just could not believe it . There was
  • like nothing between my eyes and it. it was right there. Smack. Bam, like blow in my face. My eyes couldn't believe themselves. Total ocular self doubt. It was shocking how it
  • was right there, literally couldn't be closer to my face if it wasn't my nose, and still I couldn't - wouldn't - see it. I tried to shake it off, but no, there it was. A
  • slimy green bugger hanging from a viscous strand with an insect struck to it, struggling to free itself. I stared down at it cross-eyed trying to identify it, when my date returned
  • with her entomology encyclopedia. "Let's see... ah, it's a Hypercompe scribonia. That's a keeper." She removed the moth with her tweezers, leaving the booger in tact. I swooned and
  • woke up with moths on my face. Screaming like a boy, I swatted repeatedly at my own face, and that was the last thing I remember before I knocked my own dumb self out. And you?


  1. SlimWhitman Nov 20 2011 @ 06:36

    Just read this again. "Total occular self doubt" lol!

  2. buddyboy4711 Nov 21 2011 @ 23:14

    Haha! I second that, Slim. This story trudges so beautifully.

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