A feeling of unease took hold of me as I

  • A feeling of unease took hold of me as I noted that I was surrounded by ironic kids in bad clothes. I had somehow wandered into a den of hipsters. One of them offered me a PBR
  • whatever these kids meant by that. So I showed him my PBR. A "Pyro Blaster Rifle." A stream of fire lashed out the scorpion nozzle. The hipster burst into flames, skin melting away
  • but thick framed glasses that landed on his ashes in a very cinematic way. He'd obtained them from military surplus store and wore them very successfully before being burned alive
  • in a fireworks explosion on New Year's Eve 1982. The man at fault was born with pincer hands, only two digits on each. Normally his dexterity was infallible, but that fateful
  • night he found himself impaired by the iron cuffs with which he had been bound. His eyes searched frantically for the blonde women in the crowd, sweat beading at his temples and a
  • look of terror in his eyes as he slowly realised that this was it. The blonde woman sneered, and threw the key to the handcuffs off the pier. Even then, he still loved her.
  • But in end she always loved someone else.
  • And thats why they broke up because they realized there differences and the gilr finally realized she had no interest in the guy. and has been hiding her love for her bestfriend.
  • So the girl cried herself to sleep and tried to move on but it was hard because she loved him so much. And now they are not even friends anymore. Then one day we went to her house.
  • They were watching some funny videos, then out of nowhere, this guy yells," NO DONT DO IT!" "What?" "LIEKKK A SOMEEEBOOOOOOODDDDEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


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