Once upon a magical time, there was a young

  • Once upon a magical time, there was a young Forest Rascal named Peppermint Rabbit Friend. Peppermint loved nothing more than skipping down the forest trails, singing joyous songs
  • of wet tidings in the fresh foggy dew of morning. You see, Peppermint struggled with depression so she'd often sing those tunes to herself hoping that, one day, the dark clouds wo
  • uld vanish & Chuck would set aside his self doubt, kiss her hand, & say "Patty, being with you is like getting all the kites back and finally kicking that football sky high." "Sir
  • being with you makes me -" "Shut up, Marcie! Chuck! What's up?" Charlie Brown said, "Patty, being with you makes me have feelings I can't explain in my pants." "Kneel before me and
  • try." Charlie Brown dropped to his knees & mumbled a few words before Marcie gasped, "What the actual --?" Patty glared at her & cut in, "Don't you have someplace else to be?"
  • "Uh, yessir," Marcie mumbled as she practically ran out of the comic strip. "Now, Chuck," Peppermint Patty continued. "Kiss my feet & tell me that you love me!" Charlie Brown was
  • ecstatic. He didn't know if this was part of the script, but he kissed her feet and told her that he loved her. Patty ignored Charlie Brown and carried on with her lines,"Ugh. Disg
  • Usted with your yapping." Charlie Brown, confused, replied " What yapping?" He had a sore throat and wasn't talking much. He never did. Droopy and Snoopy were the ones doing the
  • eating, and it wasn't even Charlie Brown's job to do so. Lucy walked over, and smacked him. She offered to hold a football while he kicked it, but Charlie looked past the ruse.
  • Besides, it was her butt he wanted. To kick.


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