Bruce and Clark flew out to the west coast

  • Bruce and Clark flew out to the west coast to have brunch with Godzilla. After some awkward pleasantries, Bruce confided, "We know what it's like to be alone in the world." The
  • confession was left unanswered as Godzilla had PMS and ate Bruce and Clark only to get
  • a severe case of the lava runs. These formed a new island in the Japanese archipelago. From the partially undigested remains of Mr. Wayne & Mr. Kent rose, like a phoenix from ashes
  • breaking the surface of the Pacific. The new "Japanese" island steamed. Life had yet to reach the recently molten basaltic rock. A cruise ship on the horizon powered towards it
  • laden with lettuce & guinea pigs. The passengers alighted and started establishing Life in the smoking ash. A helicopter appeared & Yoko Ono descended & planted a Japanese flag on
  • The park bench where she wrote the last line she folded in another folded story. She and Sean collaborated on a folded story about key lime pie. Why would that matter in 2816, you
  • were wont to ask. So ask it. Not ready? I'll answer the unasked question anyway. It mattered because it mattered to you. That is why it mattered. It mattered this time in 2816.
  • We are all merely matter to begin with, aren't we? Just atoms and stuff, no one atom any better than the rest. In this way, we are equals. It's only the labels that disillusion us
  • into thinking we aren’t equal. However, folks who believe THAT ignore basic chemistry: 1 carbon atom and 2 of hydrogen combine to make methane, or fart gas. Equal THAT! I had to ad
  • mit that I stunk at chemistry. "You win," I murmured, smiling calmly, right before I reached into my pocket for my cigarettes & lighter. "NO! WAIT!! DON'T light th--..." WHOOMF.


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