Why mercy me! Says right here I just won

  • Why mercy me! Says right here I just won the $14 million dollar Nigerian lottery! Says it right here, see? Alls I gotta do it call this here number & give 'em my bank account num
  • ber. The Nigerian Con men knew that had a live one. All they needed to do was reel this rube in. But it was this Norwegian pretending to be a Southern idiot that would have the
  • last laugh. The Norwegian paid the Nigerian in drachmas which caused Nigeria's economy to instantly collapse. The Norwegian shorted the Nigerian market and made a killing which he
  • used to set up a charity targeting malaria in the failed state of Nigeria. The Norwegian was aiming to be the first man beatified while still alive. The new pope loved fjords, so
  • fnords were persona non grata around the Vatican. Even hinting that you might have seen the fnords was enough to get you excommunicated pretty pronto. It wasn't only because it was
  • heretic to mention the fnords at the Vatican, but also because the sound one makes when one pronounces the word "fnords"is very unpleasant to His Holiness' ears. The Swiss Guard
  • Determined there was one way to pronounce "fnords". His Holiness had to accept reality. The Swiss Guard was from the Fnords and knew the secret routes. This made a huge difference!
  • If he ticked off the Swiss Guard, he might sneak in through the Vatican's underground passages and tap their supply of holy water. Damn those interfering Swiss hooligans. Pope
  • Marco came to visit him in his little apartment while he was still formulating his plan. "My dear," said the Pope, "I brought you some holy water, and some cookies I baked myself."
  • "Thank you" said Marco. "I'm trying to figure out the plan." The Pope frowned thoughtfully, but mysterious as always, he said at last "I think that you already know the answer."


  1. LordVacuity Jan 18 2019 @ 19:21

    Is you see the fnords, the fnords see you too. if you see the fnords you are a Pope. Don't be a dick as well.

  2. BlastedHeath Jan 18 2019 @ 20:54

    I might have caused a paradox. How many people are in the room at the end?

  3. LordVacuity Jan 18 2019 @ 22:04

    In the end there is room without space but occupied by how many there aren’t.

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