I stood alone in a crowded place, a sprawling

  • I stood alone in a crowded place, a sprawling old mansion in a cramped part of town. Houses in Southside had room for perhaps a tree, or a little driveway in the front yard, but...
  • I have room for forrests, gardens, rivers, swimming pools, ten sports cars and a scruffy wet dog named Arnold.
  • Arnold's my assistant. He sniffs up all the customers as the get off the boat. If Arnold thinks any of them are troublemakers. I can't afford those. One bad nut in my yogi paradise
  • means deportation for me. I love Bangladesh. It's my home now, and Arnold is my second cousin's step-son which is why her works on the boat. I wish I could pay him more than
  • 25 Bangladeshi Taka, but Arnold is still young and not particularly useful on the commercial Bengal tiger hunting boat. The last time he came out with us, he was eating a Snickers
  • bar and dangling his feet into the water when a Bengal tiger swam up. Arnold threw the rest of the Snickers at the tiger, hitting him on the brow and making him jolly angry. It was
  • the most difficult choice any Bengal tiger would ever have to make: Do I chase after Arnold's Snickers bar, therefore allowing Arnold to run away...or do I grab the little bastard
  • and tear his clothing with my claws, hoping he has more Snickers bars in his pockets? In the end, the Bengal tiger went for the Snickers bar he could see, letting Arnold get away.
  • Rattled by the tiger's attack, Arnold walked and didn't walk away from the scene of the tiger and the Snickers bar. He started shuffling forward when he saw the tiger smelt his Ree
  • se's Peanut Butter cup. Arnold pulled it out and threw it at the tiger's feet. "Take it" he said. As he limped away he vowed never to let his sweet tooth get the best of him again.


  1. LordVacuity Jun 16 2019 @ 01:47

    Reece Witherspoon, is who I was going for but figured following the candy theme this is the one that would come up. It was the only other Ree- I could think of, that wasn't candy themed. At the time. Now I can come up with countless zero more.

  2. LordVacuity Jun 16 2019 @ 01:48

    Or so I am guessing. I can't really vouch for what that other me might have meant. I wasn't there.

  3. LordVacuity Jun 16 2019 @ 01:50

    Because I'm trying to understand why it was that he, me, wanted to drop the candy theme?

  4. LordVacuity Jun 16 2019 @ 01:53

    Now this has turned into one of those moments like when we talk to ourselves in public. Some of us really hope people don't think we're crazy anymore. That those days like a tickle across a keyboard, Are far behind us now.

  5. Toogs Jun 16 2019 @ 03:01

    He said, believing that someday, somebody would read these words and be so moved as to feel a real human connection with the author. Were these the near-incoherent ramblings of a madman? Almost certainly yes. But while we must strive to escape from most forms of psychosis, others beg to be ...reentered.

  6. Woab Jun 18 2019 @ 10:20

    Some say it was all that candy he had consumed that did it. Sugar mania, they claimed. Reece Witherspoon was in her cups. She slept it off the next day.

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