It was a win/lose, do or die situation.

  • It was a win/lose, do or die situation. Praying to the Lottery Gods, he clenched his last five bucks with his arthritic
  • toe and leaned out of his wheelchair to pass it to the pimply convenience store clerk. The boy took the bill with a look
  • that said, "who uses paper money anymore?" and proceeded to stuff the bill into
  • his warm, moist pocket. Fumbling around in there he found two pennies. He took them to a pond and made a wish. He wished, "
  • that he was a woman. He would dress up like a classy prostitute and stalk the streets looking for a nice rich man in a
  • pink cadillac, with leopard print seats and hanging dice. Because he never found one, instead he settled for
  • a Suzuki Sidekick. The one problem with the car was that it always
  • thought it knew the quickest way to get someplace. However, invariably we always ended up
  • "recalculating". She is so loud that I always end up yelling shut up in my car at her. The guy in the car next to me
  • also did the same. His name was Todd and he later told me he sets his GPS to "Yoda." Wise one he is.


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