DON'T PAY THE PIPER. It was the 23rd year

  • DON'T PAY THE PIPER. It was the 23rd year after the 23rd month after the 23rd day after the 23rd hour that the infamous Pied Piper carried out his brutal murders with instruments.
  • Instruments of brass destruction. The Pied Piper impaled his closest followers with tubas and french horns, leaving behind sheet music composed entirely of long rests. Middle Aged
  • cellists wanted to string him up in town square, while the Drummers Union wanted to simply beat him senseless. But the Piper blew them all away, killing them softly with his song
  • PeterPiper knew the ins and outs of being an assassin. After years of studying music at Piping College, PeterPiper knew his true calling, killing people, in any method needed. He l
  • picked a peck of pickled pepper and fingered his garrotte and flick knife. Peter Piper pulled on his balaclava and absailed off the top of the building to smash through the window
  • of Batman's vehicle. Alfred contacted Peter Piper to assassinate the black knight. Alfred was sick of serving Bruce Wayne and being a British stereotype. No, his charge shall die
  • On the thirty nine steps on the route to Edinburgh. The Hitchcockian wit served him well as he made a film about the 2016 election, titled, "Dial S for Sabotage". Hillary was not
  • Technically consulted but her shadow's 3rd cousin was. It was this same cousin's sister that released the squirrel the first time, not that Mexican boy they hanged for it.
  • His name was Angel and he went to heaven and was appointed as the Patron Saint of Squirrels (following the abrupt dismissal of the previous holder of that title). Angel watched
  • over the squirrels. They were afraid he'd go nuts but he went grapes of wrath on those fluffies. and the squirrels fell into line and now serve as pinecone archers in the holy army


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