Once upon a time, there

  • Once upon a time, there
  • fell a coin into a slot. Its weight affected a tone which gave rise to a careful combination of force, numbers and waiting. Three rings. The circus began with a whisper and a click
  • and that's as loud as it got. It was the Siberian mute circus. Even the elephants were silent. That's why it only cost loose change to be admitted. Funny thing was, Ronald McDonald
  • was deaf. The mute circus wasn't mute at all. They were as loud as a flatulent hooker in church after she
  • had her Deuterotomy. Dr. Leviticus pioneered the surgery after his Revelation that huge Numbers of Corinthians were without a Job. When Ruth and Her John were caught in the Acts,
  • The wild dogs cried out in the night. As they grew restless longing for some solitary company
  • such as the cast of Glee, since they are all the same person and of one Borg mind,
  • The act of assimilating the whole of humanity with their inane covers of already bad pop songs had already made them a target for hitmen the world over, even uncontracted ones.
  • Security had been beefed up considerably. The badly dressed twentysomethings swaggered awkwardly on stage, content with the presence of armed and uniformed guards in every corner.
  • They stood on their marks as they contemplated the magnitude of the moment. The lights dimmed, the crowd fell silent and they each took one last breath before the start.


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