"Up Chuck Up Chuck" "Quit that. You know

  • "Up Chuck Up Chuck" "Quit that. You know I hate that" " Well I was just trying to get you to jump up, a snake is about to bight your ankle, oops never mind to late now.
  • Charles grabbed his leg, "Well, the least you could do is suck out the venom." Diana just stared for a moment and decided she had it with the whole royal situation. "Bye Chuck."
  • The Prince Charles slapped her in the mouth with huge penis. Diana hated Charles, but he had a huge penis and was a great lover. That's what no one knew. Diana could never say no
  • to ...no, no, this wouldn't do. She was beloved, the princess and writing fanfic porn just wasn't the British way. No matter how hot she was, he needed to find a different
  • outlet for her royal lusts. I encouraged the princess to join the little people. Perhaps at a brunch buffet? Not as good as porn, but greater number of choices
  • unless one were to peruse some of the sites that I am privy too. Heck, the Queen indoctrinated me to them. Earthlings mean nothing to us royals now. At brunch the princess ignored
  • the UFO that was flying above our dining room. "Uh, isn't anyone surprised by the flying saucer ominously looming over us?" "Shut up and eat your stroganoff, darling."
  • I stared at her. This was the 1st time we'd ever had stroganoff AND the 1st time we'd been visited by aliens. Coincidence? Umm.. NO! I flung the stroganoff in her traitorous face
  • but nothing happened. No burns, no cries for help, nothing. There were two possible reasons for this: either the leftovers were cold or SHE was an alien! That sanctimonious bitch
  • ! The leftovers were, in fact, cold. Ice cold. Just like the soul of the alien she truly was. Bright light emanated from the leftovers as if they were holy. And the world exploded.


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