My little story

  • My little story
  • consists of long intervals in which nothing seemed to happen. These, it turned out, were the most crucial. I recall one occasion when
  • i was seven years old
  • when i first jumped into a pit of hungry alligators.
  • I thought that it was my end but then realised that there were blind alligators as they were stepping into each other.
  • The alligators ate each other, believing it was me. I stepped away only to step into a game show where I have to list fourteen different ways to grow carrots, or they will kill me.
  • Quickly, I listed 14 ways to grow carrots to win the gameshow and avoid death. 1. In mud, 2. Hydroponics, 3. In troll’s ears, 4. By singing to them, 5. At a carrot ranch, 6. Using
  • how can we play thiss game?
  • "It's easy," said Stauff. "The paths divide the players from the rules. This happens sometimes when we play the game." Then he laughed maniacally from some place unseen. Bugs
  • buzzed annoyingly around my head. "This game is not yours to control! I will win and when I do I'll do much worse than release bugs on you. Of that you can be sure." I glared.


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