In a world where all well-to-do folks lived

  • In a world where all well-to-do folks lived in glass terrariums, neatly organized into rows, hobos were distrusted. What were they hiding behind those cardboard walls?
  • You really want to know? I'll tell you! Greasy pants. Pants so coated in human stink and shame that they'd turned a kind of grimy that glistens.
  • My life had been spiralling downwards since the washing machine broke. I'd lost my job, my husband had left me for my best friend whose washing machine was in working order
  • &he took all of the plants& the last bag of Chicken & Waffle flavored potato chips. My days were now filled w/dirty clothes and wandering around HobbyLobby buying fake plants. How
  • did I become such a pathetic person that people mistake me for a tenured college professor in the English department?! But then I thought of those Chicken & Waffle chips again an
  • and I gagged. They definitely weren't the best flavor of Lays I'd ever have. But, then I started thinking about real crisps from Scotland and remembered the Ham and Mustard
  • flavored ones. Mmmmm...and how I would dip the ham & mustard crisps in Scotch vanilla bean ice cream...the sweet/salty/creamy aftertaste reminds me of the last Lays I ate. I could
  • Not imagine such a concoction tasting so bloody good. I wanted the recipe! My grandmother had it stashed away in her storage box. I had never seen it before. Thousands of requests
  • went unheeded but she would not give me the recipe. She would say something in Enochian and spit every time I brought it up. Since it was Enochian it was impossible to remember but
  • I figured, since she spat every time, that the secret incredient was the chef's saliva. I mean, I'm no culinary expert, but I take whatever tips I can! It's the best way to learn!


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