Here's a new twist for Apple Brown Betty:

  • Here's a new twist for Apple Brown Betty: Take 5 good-sized Granny Smith apples, peel, then slice. Let them soak in lemon juice and brown sugar while you grind up a little
  • arsenic. Arsenic makes Granny's Apple Brown Betty treats even better for family gatherings with in-laws. Add in colorful hemlock flowers and you have a snack that the whole family
  • can die to. Granny was as cold as the bow on a crab boat and probably just as friendly. When she was four she saw her brother eaten alive by a wild Apache. Since then she pretty
  • stupidly decided to walk into the Apache's path, she is now an amputee. Seeing granny so cold reminds her of how she felt when she first lost her arm. Cold and armless. Granny was
  • incapable of doing things where it's necessary to have both of your arms. Like holding things with both your hands. The Apache had many more victims. Including her Grandson,
  • her Niece, her two sisters, her first husband, her lost boys and her English teacher. Having only one arm kept her safe. She didn't look like she could defend herself, so they
  • Brought their chainsaw in the room to measure the hole. It was 2.573 cm diameter. "Too small", Minhnie Mouse told his uncle Long. Tung said, "Let's escape before the ceiling falls.
  • You decide how we escape, Minhnie". But the ceiling was just there right above them & heard their plan as they spoke it. He fell first before they could escape. Minhnie Mouse dove
  • through a window and found herself outside the maze, outside the lab, and cheese-less. Being a simple mouse, Minhnie wondered if she should crawl back in, but the building was too
  • scary. The scary world seemed more appealing. She made her way across a busy highway, down an alley full of feral cats & into Ms Skinner's experimental home for wayward lab rodents


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