i decided to go with my friends to the farm

  • i decided to go with my friends to the farm , when we got there, suddenly i smell something like hay burning when i look closely towards me i saw a alive scarecrow in fire......
  • Thinking quickly I doused my whiskey on him and he really went up. "Teaches you right for smoking a corncob pipe and rolling hay with sis!" I cursed him, but the scarecrow wasn't
  • Fazed. I got a b***hslap upside the head. Ouch! When I came to, I was sitting on a park bench next to a baboon. What the hell? It was 2-1/2 years after the story was started?
  • Alright screw this. What really happened was there was this rhino who ate my jello. I got pissed af so I cut his but up. THEN, I was accused for murder, went to jail. Then I died.
  • But I reincarnated as a rhino and now I beat up poachers with my magnifique boxing. I stroke my handlebar moustache and scoff at them when they fail. Of course, I cut their behind
  • behind where the behind is usually deemed a behind. They called me a fiend and spit on my grave. I reminded them that I wasn't dead and never would be. They decided to test that.
  • They shot me full of silver bullets and drove stakes through my heart, but still I walked the Earth, maimed more by their cruel regard than by their attempts at killing me. I was a
  • cyborg golem protecting my people until I am no more. I am programmed that way. I can never stand down. I don't sleep. I don't melt at puppy dog eyes. The cyborg in me sees to that
  • But there is a part of me that wants to be human. I want to have the freedom that goes along with being alive, even if that means losing my metal skin and becoming mortal
  • because what is rust but skin cancer for robots? I want to learn fear and hate and all those wonderful things humans have created for themselves.


  1. Woab Dec 23 2020 @ 14:44

    Oh Zeta, that ending rocked. Solid!

  2. Zetawilk Dec 23 2020 @ 22:58

    Thank you. It's amazing what one can come up with within the span of a few minutes.

  3. LordVacuity Dec 24 2020 @ 21:14

    Damn right. Things like digital watches.

  4. LordVacuity Dec 24 2020 @ 21:15

    Wait, a robot would most likely have an internal clock already. Why would it need a digital watch? Ahh, but the robot wants to be human. Humans might need a digital watch. You know, to level off the coffee table.

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