Following the Popular Electronics article

  • Following the Popular Electronics article Ron pimped up the photon density on his laser pointer. Unbeknownst to Ron, his "Laser Pointer of the Gods" blinded Xorg's third eye
  • Blind Tribute Band's Drummer. Xorg was pissed. He threw the blind drummer into his Space Dart and headed straight for earth. He would vaporize Ron the scientist for ruining his
  • keytar solo. Xorg landed in the parking lot of Dennys. The domination of Earth could wait until after he'd tried some of their food. Twelve menu items later
  • Xorg discovered he could not invade a place that served a Grand Slam Breakfast and had bottomless cups of coffee! He abducted the Dennys restaurant for study on its mothership.
  • Of particular interest to Xorg was The Hobbit Menu featuring Frodo's Pot Roast Skillet. The abducted Denny's employees were terrified, but complied with Xorg's wishes to taste
  • every item in his order to test for poison. When none of the captive Denny's workers fell ill, Xorg was satisfied and began to devour the entree. Within minutes he was on the floor
  • grimacing. Denny employee-of-the-month Colin Askepy had laced Xorg's nachos with x-tra strenght X-lax. Xorg bellowed that this was worse than the pu pu platter at Wang Yum's
  • Dyslexic Diner, where he usually got the furly cries with money hustard sauce, except for that one time. Xorg and his crew wanted something new. The pupu platter looked good, but
  • Xorg pooh-poohed it as a platter of poo-poo. He then grinned at his crew and said "Dee what I sid there?" His crewmen just stared at him for a long moment, their faces turning
  • bright fuschia as the oxygen dwindled to negligible traces. Before anyone could plug the leaking toilet up with a potato, it was loo tate.


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